The Secret Is Out
Posted by Karen Frazier on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Under: Personal Experiences
by Karen Frazier

Every single one of these people has had a paranormal experience
(Jenny from SSPR, Elaine from WOOPI, Ellen from PAST is Present, Patty from SSPR)
One of the things that has always fascinated me about being a paranormal investigator is this: when people find out what I do, many get a furtive look in their eye, lower their voices, and looking around nervously confide a paranormal experience to me. It's amazing to me just how many people have had paranormal experiences and how secretive they often are about them.
As our fearless leader, Patty Valdez, often says, there are two types of people.
My paranormal story started when I lived in my first apartment just out of college. I was a young newlywed, and my husband was in the Navy. He was stationed at the Naval Sub Base Bangor in Washington State, and we were renting a tiny apartment that was former WWII military housing in nearby Bremerton, Washington. Strange things happened in that apartment. Latched doors opened and closed on their own. One morning when my husband was out to sea, I came home and found a 6 foot inflatable Godzilla that normally sat in the corner of our living room sitting atop my bed. At night, I'd lie in bed and hear the faucet in my bathroom creak on, water start to splash in the basin, and then creak off again. When I was alone in bed at night, I'd hear footsteps walk across my bedroom floor, feel the bed depress next to me as if someone was sitting on it, feel a puff of air across my cheek, and hear someone whisper, "I love you," in my ear.
I thought I was crazy, and I didn't tell anyone lest they also arrive at that conclusion. In fact, I didn't breathe a word of it for nearly 20 years. During that period, I tried my best to forget what had transpired in that apartment. Over time, I managed to convince myself it was my imagination. Then, something else happened.
That something came in the form of the new house my husband and I had just purchased. Located in Chehalis, WA, the house was really cool - and really inexpensive. We were delighted in such a competitive market to find such an amazing home for our family. The night we signed the papers for our house, I had one of those frighteningly realistic dreams. I dreamed the house was haunted. I quickly dismissed the dream, and we moved into our new home.

It may not look haunted - but it is.
We've lived here ten years now, and I can no longer doubt that strange and unexplainable things occur. Lights turn on and off (and so do appliances). I see shadows. We hear footsteps. One night when my son was young, I was sitting upstairs at my desk when I heard him come up the stairs and walk across the floor behind me. He bumped my chair, and it spun a little. I turned around to say something to him, and no one was there. I walked downstairs, and Tanner was sound asleep in the bed with the dog. More recently, when no one was home I heard a desk chair roll one way across the wood floor upstairs. Then I heard it start to roll back. I yelled, "Knock it off!" at the ceiling, and the chair stopped in its tracks. These things happen with relative frequency in my home.
For years, however, I kept quiet. I was embarrassed to talk about my experiences because paranormal beliefs were fringe beliefs. Then, one day, I decided to break my silence. I began talking to others about the experiences I was having and quickly discovered I was not alone. Not only was I not the only one who'd had such an experience, but a majority of the people I talked to also confessed to having had experiences of their own at some point in their lives.
Since I started investigating and writing about the paranormal several years ago, I have no doubt that something is going on, especially given the stories that people tell me. Often these people fear ridicule if they share their story. Many express relief at finally being able to talk to someone who won't think they are crazy.
If you're experiencing the unexplained and are afraid to talk to others about it because they just might think you're nuts, I understand. I've been there. I spent 20 years not talking about it. If only I'd known then what I do now, it would have been easier, I think. While there will always be doubters - those people who roll their eyes when you mention an unexplained experience, there are many more who will hear what you're saying and understand. They may even realize it's okay to share the experiences they have once they realize they aren't alone.
If you've been experiencing the unexplained,you can talk to people who can help you uncover what's really happening - whether the explanation is utterly logical or potentially paranormal. Give us a call. We're here to listen and help - without judgment.

Every single one of these people has had a paranormal experience
(Jenny from SSPR, Elaine from WOOPI, Ellen from PAST is Present, Patty from SSPR)
One of the things that has always fascinated me about being a paranormal investigator is this: when people find out what I do, many get a furtive look in their eye, lower their voices, and looking around nervously confide a paranormal experience to me. It's amazing to me just how many people have had paranormal experiences and how secretive they often are about them.
As our fearless leader, Patty Valdez, often says, there are two types of people.
- Those who have had paranormal experiences
- Those who have yet to have a paranormal experience
My paranormal story started when I lived in my first apartment just out of college. I was a young newlywed, and my husband was in the Navy. He was stationed at the Naval Sub Base Bangor in Washington State, and we were renting a tiny apartment that was former WWII military housing in nearby Bremerton, Washington. Strange things happened in that apartment. Latched doors opened and closed on their own. One morning when my husband was out to sea, I came home and found a 6 foot inflatable Godzilla that normally sat in the corner of our living room sitting atop my bed. At night, I'd lie in bed and hear the faucet in my bathroom creak on, water start to splash in the basin, and then creak off again. When I was alone in bed at night, I'd hear footsteps walk across my bedroom floor, feel the bed depress next to me as if someone was sitting on it, feel a puff of air across my cheek, and hear someone whisper, "I love you," in my ear.
I thought I was crazy, and I didn't tell anyone lest they also arrive at that conclusion. In fact, I didn't breathe a word of it for nearly 20 years. During that period, I tried my best to forget what had transpired in that apartment. Over time, I managed to convince myself it was my imagination. Then, something else happened.
That something came in the form of the new house my husband and I had just purchased. Located in Chehalis, WA, the house was really cool - and really inexpensive. We were delighted in such a competitive market to find such an amazing home for our family. The night we signed the papers for our house, I had one of those frighteningly realistic dreams. I dreamed the house was haunted. I quickly dismissed the dream, and we moved into our new home.

It may not look haunted - but it is.
We've lived here ten years now, and I can no longer doubt that strange and unexplainable things occur. Lights turn on and off (and so do appliances). I see shadows. We hear footsteps. One night when my son was young, I was sitting upstairs at my desk when I heard him come up the stairs and walk across the floor behind me. He bumped my chair, and it spun a little. I turned around to say something to him, and no one was there. I walked downstairs, and Tanner was sound asleep in the bed with the dog. More recently, when no one was home I heard a desk chair roll one way across the wood floor upstairs. Then I heard it start to roll back. I yelled, "Knock it off!" at the ceiling, and the chair stopped in its tracks. These things happen with relative frequency in my home.
For years, however, I kept quiet. I was embarrassed to talk about my experiences because paranormal beliefs were fringe beliefs. Then, one day, I decided to break my silence. I began talking to others about the experiences I was having and quickly discovered I was not alone. Not only was I not the only one who'd had such an experience, but a majority of the people I talked to also confessed to having had experiences of their own at some point in their lives.
Since I started investigating and writing about the paranormal several years ago, I have no doubt that something is going on, especially given the stories that people tell me. Often these people fear ridicule if they share their story. Many express relief at finally being able to talk to someone who won't think they are crazy.
If you're experiencing the unexplained and are afraid to talk to others about it because they just might think you're nuts, I understand. I've been there. I spent 20 years not talking about it. If only I'd known then what I do now, it would have been easier, I think. While there will always be doubters - those people who roll their eyes when you mention an unexplained experience, there are many more who will hear what you're saying and understand. They may even realize it's okay to share the experiences they have once they realize they aren't alone.
If you've been experiencing the unexplained,you can talk to people who can help you uncover what's really happening - whether the explanation is utterly logical or potentially paranormal. Give us a call. We're here to listen and help - without judgment.
In : Personal Experiences
Tags: paranormal investigation investigator haunting ghost haunted