Showing Tag: "orbs" (Show all posts)

Non-Paranormal Photographic Artifacts

Posted by Karen Frazier on Tuesday, November 20, 2012, In : Evidence 
by Karen Frazier

A moving bug glowing from IR
Earlier, we discussed orbs and why I don't feel I can ever call an orb in a photo paranormal evidence. Now, I'd like to go over some other very common causes of photographic artifacts that are often mistaken for paranormal phenomena. It's important to take all of these into account in order to critically evaluate photographs you think might be paranormal.


People often misidentify a mist in a photograph as paranormal. Actually, mists are quite c...

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The Obligatory Conversation About Orbs

Posted by Karen Frazier on Tuesday, November 20, 2012, In : Evidence 
by Karen Frazier

If you pay much attention to popular subjects in the paranormal, then you may notice there’s quite a conversation going on about orbs. The subject of these little round balls of light is quite controversial in the paranormal field. I believe, however, this controversy comes from a simple misunderstanding about what the term “orbs” actually means.

A friend of SSPR, Darren Thompson of WSPIR (Washington State Paranormal Investigation and Research) is a frequent speaker a...

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