December 19, 2012
Name: BilliWhat is your role with SSPR? Co-founder, technical lead (editor's note: Tech Goddess), treasurerHow long have you been with the team? How long have you participated in paranormal research? I joined Tacoma Ghost Hunters in 2006, and co-founded SSPR in 2007.What is your profession? Quality Assurance Technician
What are your hobbies? Movies, hiking, ghost huntingWhy the paranormal? Is there life after death?What is your most profound, scary, or funny paranormal experience? While filming a documentary explaining that when encountering entities, I said, "If you run, you're prey."What would people be surprised to learn about you? I have a difficult time being emotional during real life situations but will bawl like a baby at commercials.What scares you? Loneliness
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : About SSPR
December 18, 2012
Name: MeganWhat is your role with SSPR? I am a member in training.How long have you been with the team? How long have you actively participated in paranormal research? I have been with the team for about two months. I have never actively participated in paranormal research until I joined the team but have always wanted to.What is your profession? I am a civilian that works for the Army. I work for outdoor recreation.What are your hobbies? Scuba diving, horseback riding, quad riding, and hunti... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : About SSPR
December 14, 2012

Name: Tonya
What is your role with SSPR? Logistics and wherever they want me. I roll with it and don't ask questions!
How long have you been with the team? I think I joined the group in 2007 and took a year off in 2009 to have a baby girl. Then I got right back to it again. I have always felt something, and I saw my first ghost in 1997. When I left the group to have a little one, I missed it too much. I was homesick. I love my SSPR family.
What is your profession? I'm a stay-at-home momma and a ... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier.
December 13, 2012
Name: PattyWhat is your role with SSPR? Team LeadHow long have you been with the team? I started SSPR with Billi in 2007. How long have you been researching the paranormal? I have been actively investigating since the early 90's.What is your profession? I work for the Department of Defense.What are your hobbies? Photography, cigars, and crafting.Why the paranormal? The paranormal found me at the age of 5.What is your most meaningful paranormal experience? When I was 5, I saw my first ghost.Wh... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : About SSPR
December 12, 2012
Over the course of the next few weeks, we'll be introducing you to members of SSPR in their own words. Since I (Karen) just sent out the questionnaire to other team members about ten minutes ago and NO ONE has gotten back to me yet (the nerve!), we'll start with mine.
Name: Karen
What is your role with SSPR? I am an investigator/researcher. I also write the blog and maintain the
team’s website. I've also learned things go best on an investigation if I'm not allowed to touch the equipment....
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Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : About SSPR
December 11, 2012
by Karen Frazier
I've spent a majority of my life studying the afterlife. While paranormal research is probably the most obvious way to do this, it is actually the most recent subject in my ongoing pursuit.As a child, I grew up with the traditions of the Christian church. I questioned those beliefs from an early age, however, because some things just didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. You see, along with an insatiable curiosity about the origins of the human soul, I also absolutely adore ... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Paranormal Theory
December 10, 2012
Karen Frazier
Photo used under Flickr creative commons license (c) Aunt Owwee
When we research the paranormal, we sometimes forget that the devices we carry may be unfamiliar to spirits. I know in my investigations of the
Wellington avalanche disaster site when I've used things that appear quite modern (such as laser grids or very bright lights), the spirits have indicated via a
ghost box they are a little afraid of those items. This isn't surprising, given the spirits at Wellington are like...
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Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Investigations
December 6, 2012
by Karen Frazier
A Samson Zoom H4n high-definition audio recorderWhen I first started investigating the paranormal, I tried a number of audio recording devices. What I quickly discovered was how much the sound quality varied from recorder to recorder. Audio recorders range widely in price and quality, from about $40 to over $200.
My first audio recorder was a cheap one - I spent around $40 for it. Using that audio recorder, I noticed I captured a lot of whispery voices. So many whispers, in fa...
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Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Equipment
December 5, 2012
by Karen Frazier
A simple and inexpensive Radio Shack hack ghost box (Radio Shack 12-469)Can the dead communicate with us through a field of white noise? That's the theory behind the ghost box, a piece of equipment that seeing more common use with many paranormal researchers.
The concept behind the ghost box is quite simple: a normal transistor radio is modified so it rapidly sweeps the stations of either the AM or FM band instead of remaining on one station. This creates a field of white nois... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Equipment
December 2, 2012
Patty uses a Mel meter to take a baseline reading on an old telephoneOne of the pieces of equipment paranormal investigators commonly use is an EMF detector. Contrary to popular belief, EMF meters do not detect ghosts - not even the units that are called "ghost meters."

A K2 EMF detector that uses lights to show changes in EMF fields.
What Do They Measure?
Electromagnetism is one of the universe's four basic forces. EMF detectors measure changes in electric and/or magnetic fields. Depending on... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Equipment
November 30, 2012
Karen Frazier
Something's happening in your home or business, and you've decided to call in the experts. You've contacted a paranormal team. What next?
Currently, there are no standardized protocols that every paranormal group uses when they investigate. However, there are many commonalities among teams. If it's SSPR you've contacted, here's what to expect.
- After the initial contact, the investigation lead will call you to set up a time when you can meet with the team. This meeting typically...
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Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Investigations
November 28, 2012
by Karen Frazier
When I first began paranormal investigation, I believed my role and responsibility was somewhat like Star Trek's Prime Directive: I was there to observe and document, but never to interfere. I felt it wasn't my place to presume a spirit needed to move on, even if they were somehow trapped in the earthly plane. I've always believed if human beings had souls, we were each on our own path and it wasn't my place to judge or interfere with the path of another. It took me quite a wh... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Paranormal Theory
November 27, 2012
by Karen Frazier
A popular hypothesis about paranormal activity is that ghosts can be attached to objects. While no empirical evidence exists proving this to be the case, many paranormal researchers will tell you that this appears to be true in some cases.
I can relay a recent SSPR case. We were asked to investigate a house in the Olympia area. When we interviewed the homeowners before going to their house, a persistent thought kept popping into my head about antique weaponry. I asked if they ... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Paranormal Theory
November 25, 2012
by Patty Valdez
So you think you have a ghost in your house, and your friend
tells you, you need to smudge your home. What do you do next?
Most people would find their local metapsychical shop, buy a
sage smudge stick, and head off to cleanse their home. Wait!
- Do you know what you're doing?
- Do you know why sage is used for smudging?
- Are you doing it right?
- Will it work?
If you answered "no" to any of the questions above, then read on.
Native Americans have long used sage smudging. Sage is bu...
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Posted by Billi Oberlander. Posted In : Paranormal Theory
November 25, 2012
by Karen Frazier
So you have things that go bump in the night in your house, and you're starting to get a little concerned. Maybe you've learned some investigation techniques from watching paranormal television shows, or even from reading this blog. So what should you do? Should you investigate your house?Our fearless leader, Patty Valdez, strongly cautions against making this move, and I agree with her. Shortly after we moved into our house, I had a group of friends over for dinner including... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Investigations
November 21, 2012
by Karen Frazier
Imagine this: You are sitting in your home enjoying a little peace and quiet when a noisy band of people burst through your front door. They are carrying all sorts of stuff you don't really recognize - it looks like something out of science fiction. Some of it is so unfamiliar, it frightens you a bit. You try to ask who they are and what they want, but you can't seem to make them hear, see, or understand you. Instead, they start roaming all around your house without permission... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Paranormal Theory
November 21, 2012
by Karen Frazier
Rob at the Walker Ames House in Port Gamble, WA Sometimes paranormal investigation can break your heart. Ultimately, our job as paranormal investigators is get to the truth - regardless of what that truth is. Often, we come up with an exciting bit of evidence, only to realize it has a decidedly un-paranormal explanation.Case in point - SSPR recently investigated the Walker Ames house in Port Gamble, WA with Black Wolf Paranormal. One of the stories about the house involves a ... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Evidence
November 20, 2012
by Karen Frazier
A moving bug glowing from IR Earlier, we discussed orbs and why I don't feel I can ever call an orb in a photo paranormal evidence. Now, I'd like to go over some other very common causes of photographic artifacts that are often mistaken for paranormal phenomena. It's important to take all of these into account in order to critically evaluate photographs you think might be paranormal.Mist
People often misidentify a mist in a photograph as paranormal. Actually, mists are quite c... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Evidence
November 20, 2012
by Karen Frazier
If you pay much attention to popular subjects in the
paranormal, then you may notice there’s quite a conversation going on about
orbs. The subject of these little round balls of light is quite controversial
in the paranormal field. I believe, however, this controversy comes from a
simple misunderstanding about what the term “orbs” actually means.
A friend of SSPR, Darren Thompson of WSPIR (Washington State
Paranormal Investigation and Research) is a frequent speaker a...
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Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Evidence
November 19, 2012
Team member Lori received this
photo from a friend. It is taken in Twickenham, Oregon. Ignore the
orbs - those are probably dust and other objects in the air. Instead, look at the woman in the picture. Do you see someone asking her to dance?
What do you think? Is this matrixing or could it be an apparition? Leave your comments below.
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Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Evidence
November 18, 2012
by Karen Frazier
If you watch much paranormal television, you’ve probably noticed
a trend. On television, many of the “serious” paranormal teams refuse to
consider psychic information in their investigation because it isn’t
scientific. Ironically, this trend away from engaging psychics in paranormal
investigation flies in the face of research conducted by the true pioneers of
scientific paranormal investigation – parapsychologists and psychical
Parapsychologists ha...
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Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Paranormal Theory
November 16, 2012
By Karen Frazier

Paranormal research falls under the broader category of parapsychological research, which is a subset of the social sciences (psychology, anthropology, sociology and others). Also called psychical research, parapsychology examines paranormal phenomena such as ghosts, hauntings, psi (psychic energy), reincarnation, and near-death experiences.
Cultures throughout history have maintained a rich mythology surrounding death, spirits, unexplained phenomena, and the afterlife. It ...
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Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Paranormal Theory
November 15, 2012
by Karen Frazier

There's a common belief about ghosts and hauntings I feel is a total misconception. Many people believe any spirit haunting a location must be a trapped soul. I disagree.
If ghosts are merely a continuation of the soul energy that inhabits our body during physical life, then surely the same principles we experienced in life carry on after our death. Specifically, I'm talking about free will. As humans, we have free will throughout our lives, and our experiences as living entit... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Paranormal Theory
November 14, 2012
by Karen Frazier
Every single one of these people has had a paranormal experience
(Jenny from SSPR, Elaine from WOOPI, Ellen from PAST is Present, Patty from SSPR) One of the things that has always fascinated me about being a paranormal investigator is this: when people find out what I do, many get a furtive look in their eye, lower their voices, and looking around nervously confide a
paranormal experience to me. It's amazing to me just how many people have had paranormal experiences and how se...
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Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Personal Experiences
November 13, 2012
While the members of SSPR have a great deal of experience investigating the paranormal, we occasionally seek consultation from outside advisors. We do this in order to give our clients the best possible service we can. Depending on the situation in the home or business, we may consult with:- Clergy from various faiths
- Scientists
- Metaphysicians
- Parapsychologists
- Other paranormal teams
- Psychics and sensitives
- Home building and maintenance experts such as plumbers, electricians, engineers, or others
- His...
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Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : About SSPR
November 11, 2012
SSPR invited two other teams - WOOPI (Western Oregon Organization of Paranormal Investigators) and P.A.S.T. is Present for a joint paranormal investigation aboard the haunted USS Turner Joy in Bremerton, Washington. The USS Turner Joy is a Vietnam-era Forest Sherman-class destroyer that fought in the Vietnam war. The ship is now decommissioned and serves as a museum on the Bremerton waterfront. The ship, which was commissioned in 1959, spent its entire time in the Pacific Ocean, and it played... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Investigations
November 5, 2012
by Karen Frazier
As anyone at SSPR will tell you (particularly our fabulous technical lead, Billi), I'm not great with the equipment. Some might even suggest I am somewhat of a disaster with it. When I speak at conferences, I often joke about not being allowed to touch the team's equipment because I inevitably drop it, break it, or flat out can't use it. So far, no one has corrected me.
Billi, wisely keeping me away from the technical equipment I'm the same way around the house. I can use our b... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Evidence
November 4, 2012
Karen Frazier
The team with the haunted Dibbuk Box
Recently, I spent several weeks in possession of what may be considered to be one of the most mysterious haunted objects in the world. More specifically, I spent time with its replica. The Dibbuk Box is at the center of the true story behind the movie, The Possession. I've interviewed the Dibbuk Box's current caretaker several times on my radio show, Paranormal Underground Radio. You can listen here, here, here and here.
Karen, Patty and th... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier. Posted In : Personal Experiences
October 30, 2012
by Karen Frazier
Several months ago, I allowed another paranormal team (not SSPR) to come investigate my home. I did it as a favor to a friend, because the team was newly formed and needed a few practice investigations under their belt. It was my first experience as a paranormal client, and it was a very eye opening one, to say the least.
The team didn't do so well, and as a client I was left feeling bewildered and slightly violated. Without going into the whole story, here are a few things I ... Continue reading...
Posted by Karen Frazier.
October 30, 2012
Karen Frazier
I’ve always felt faith (or lack thereof) is one of the
defining struggles of my life. Since I was a kid, I’ve looked upon those who
fervently believe and wondered what it is they have that I don’t.
My struggles started early and continued into adulthood. I
knew what I wanted to believe – human beings have souls and we are all
connected to something greater than just this container of a human body we
carry about during our lives. At the same time, my min...
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Posted by Karen Frazier.